Word of the Lord November 06, 2010, Montego Bay, Jamaica

September 22, 2021

A Global Word"This is the morning season!"" The Glory of the LORD! The Glory of the LORD! The Glory of the LORD! His will! His purpose! His destiny awaits the children of the most High God. There is a season for everything under the sun. A time to weep! A time laugh! A time for joy! A time for sadness! Jesus Christ of Nazareth desires that His children walk with Him.

November 6, 2010"The Glory of the LORD! The Glory of the LORD! The Glory of the LORD! His will! His purpose! His destiny awaits the children of the most High God. There is a season for everything under the sun. A time to weep! A time laugh! A time for joy! A time for sadness! Jesus Christ of Nazareth desires that His children walk with Him. The Glory of the LORD shall descend, and envelop His children with the power of the Holy Spirit revealing Truth. Abundant Truth! Truth from above! And, the Truth shall be spoken to those that will heed and hear the Word of the LORD. Jesus Christ of Nazareth continues to penetrate the hearts of many who seek His face. There is a time of waiting in the presence of the LORD! A time when He desires to minister to you in silence and in stillness, that you may hear and experience His Glory, His presence, His power. Be prepared to wait upon the LORD. Be prepared to wait upon the LORD. Be prepared to wait upon the LORD. This is a season of waiting. This is a season of waiting upon the LORD. Did I not say they that wait upon the LORD, shall renew their strength? They shall mount up with wings of eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. This is a season of waiting! Wait I say upon the LORD! Wait I say upon the LORD! Wholeness is in your midst! Tranquility and peace awaits you, but you must wait upon the LORD. I am refining you like fine gold. I am purifying you with my sceptre of righteousness. I continue to speak quietly in your midst, but you must be still. You must be still! You must be still in My presence! Listening, for every whisper, for every Word that I minister deep, deep, deep, deep, deep within your spirits. There are no quick solutions! There are no quick answers, saith the LORD. I am ministering to you by My Spirit! Continue to feast upon My Word! Continue to feast upon My Word! Continue to feast upon My Word! For I shall deliver from this place of darkness, of solitude, of separation, saith the LORD thy God. Do you not believe? Do you not believe My Word? Do you not believe My Word? My Word is true! My Word is true! My Word is true! Hold fast to the Word of the living God! Hold fast to the Word of Your Heavenly Father! Remember! Remember! Remember! Remember! Remember how I brought My children, the Israelites, out of a place of wilderness, out of a place of darkness. So, shall I bring you My children out. I shall bring you out! I shall bring you out of this season of solitude, of separation, of darkness, of loneliness saith the Holy Spirit. Prepare your hearts! Prepare your hearts that I may speak deep within your spirits. Prepare your hearts! Suffer not! Suffer not! Suffer not! Suffer not My children! For I am revealing My Glory in your midst! I shall speak to you like a Father speaks to His children. With quietness! With love! With compassion! I shall speak to you as a Father speaks to His children. With love! With compassion! With kindness! With assurance! Wait I say upon the LORD, and I shall renew your strength. The LORD thy God shall reveal His plan and purpose for this hour. Many, many are watching and waiting, and looking, and wondering! What shall become? What shall become of many? What shall happen in this hour? God shall reveal His Glory! God shall reveal His Glory! The LORD GOD, Yeshua, shall reveal His Glory.This is a time! This is a time to speak the Word of the LORD. To hear the Word of the LORD! To minister the Word of the LORD! Be prepared! Be prepared My children! Be prepared My children! The seasons have changed! The seasons have changed! Destitution awaits many! The seasons have changed! The harvest! The harvest is ripe! The harvest is indeed ripe! The harvest is indeed ripe! The labourers! The labourers of the living God shall reap the harvest. The labourers of the living God shall reap their harvest. The labourers of the living God, shall eat the meat of Heaven, saith the LORD thy God. Remember My children! Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. This is the morning season! This is the morning season! This is the morning season! This is the morning season! I shall reveal My Glory! I shall sit upon the clouds! And, I shall envelop you with My presence. You shall see great miracles! You shall feel the presence and the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You shall see great miracles in this hour, saith the LORD thy God. And, I shall not withhold anything from them who walk uprightly before Me. This is the Word of the living God! So, walk humbly! Walk holy before your Heavenly Father! Let righteousness be your hallmark, that you may see the presence of God. You may experience His Glory! Worship! Worship with pure hearts! Let My Glory fill the Temple! For this is the season of Awakening! This is the season of Revival! This is the season of change! This is the season of releasing the saints from captivity. Set the captives free! I shall set the captives free, saith LORD. Hold on! Hold on! Hold on to your faith! Hold on to your faith! Let your hearts not be troubled, for I shall deliver you. I shall deliver you from this season of bondage! I shall deliver you My children! I shall set you free, into a Land of Abundance. Into a Land of Promise! Into a Land of Deliverance! I shall set you free! Walk holy before Me! Walk holy beside Me! For I shall deliver you from this place of bondage! The Word of the LORD! The Word of the LORD! The Word of the LORD! Amen! Amen! Amen!


Apostle John Daniel is a visionary with a burning desire to coach, counsel, teach, empower, develop, and assist persons from all walks of life attain their maximum potential and fulfill their God-given life purpose and destiny. He coaches, counsels, consults, and mentors, and ministers to many all over the globe weekly. He has over 25 years of cross-cultural corporate, business, and entrepreneurial experience; and has had the privilege of travelling extensively to many parts of the globe.

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