A Global Word"This is the morning season!""Jesus Christ of Nazareth! His Presence and His Glory! His presence and His Glory shall fill the Temple. His Presence and His Glory shall fill the Temple of the living God. For He is the King of Glory! He is the King of Glory! His Word shall never pass away! His promises shall never fade away! He shall redeem His children! He shall redeem His children! For the LORD thy God, He is the King of Glory! And, Heaven shall not pass away! Neither shall this earth ever pass away! For God the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and earth, continues to rule in the Heavenlies.
December 1, 2010"Jesus Christ of Nazareth! His Presence and His Glory! HisPresence and His Glory shall fill the Temple. His Presence and His Glory shallfill the Temple of the living God. For He is the King of Glory! He is the Kingof Glory! His Word shall never pass away! His promises shall never fade away!He shall redeem His children! He shall redeem His children! For the LORD thyGod, He is the King of Glory! And, Heaven shall not pass away! Neither shallthis earth ever pass away! For God the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and earth,continues to rule in the Heavenlies. And, His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth,He, He, He, He, He, He, He shall appear. He, He, He, He, He shall appear in thetwinkling of an eye. The LORD thy God, the King of Glory, shall descend from Heaven. And,He shall unveil His Glory in the presence of His children. There shall never bea day like it! There shall never be a day like The Appearing of the GreatFather, King of Glory. See the Glory of the Father! See the Glory of theFather! There shall never, ever, ever, be a day like The Appearing of the LORD.You shall see the train in the Temple! Yes, you shall see the train in theTemple. Hold on to the King of Glory, for He shall come in. He shall come in!He shall come in! There shall never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever be a day such as that day saith LORD. Take out your Pruningforks! Take out your shears! For there is work! There is work to be done, saiththe LORD. For that Day! That Day of the Great Appearing of the LORD is nighupon us. Take out your Pruning forks! Take out your shears! Trim away allthat needs to be trimmed! Plough up the fallow ground! Begin to prune thetrees! Take away all of the branches that need to be removed, for the Day isnigh at hand. Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean!Clean! Clean! Clean the House! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean!Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean! Clean the House! I am warning! I am warning! I amwarning My Church! The Day of the LORD is at hand! The Day of the LORD is athand! The Day of the LORD is at hand My children! Do not! Do not! Do not! Donot! Do not! Do not! Do not take the Word of the LORD lightly! Do not! Do not!Do not! Do not! Do not! Do not take the Word of the LORD lightly! I shallappear! I shall appear! I shall appear! I shall appear! I shall appear! I shallappear! I shall appear! I shall appear in the twinkling of an eye! Bedetermined! Be determined! Be determined! Let the Word of the LORD take root inyour spirit. Let the Word of the LORD take root in your spirit! Hold on to yourfaith! Hold on to your faith! Hold on to your faith My children! I am speaking!I am speaking! I am speaking! I am speaking! I am speaking! I am speaking tothe Church! Hold on to your faith! Hold on to your faith! Hold on to your faithsaith the Holy Spirit! There shall be great thunder! There shall be greatthunder in the earth saith the LORD! I shall open the skies! I shall open theskies! I shall open the skies, and I shall appear. And, you shall see My face,saith the LORD! The King of Glory shall appear! The King of Glory shall appear!The King of Glory shall appear! I am going to come, and you shall see My face.You shall see My face! You shall see My face! Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Kingof Glory shall appear in the twinkling of an eye! This is! This is the Day ofthe LORD! This is the Day of the LORD! This is the Day of the LORD! The LORD thy God shall appear in the twinkling of an eye. And, there shall begreat Glory in the Temple. And, I shall fill the chamber. And, you shallexperience the Glory and the Power of Almighty God. And, many, many, many,many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many shall go with Me.For I am the LORD thy God! I am the LORD thy God! Get your housesin order! Clean your houses! Prepare for The Great Appearing of the LORD! TheDay of the LORD is at hand! The Day of the LORD is at hand! The Day of the LORDis at hand! I shall appear! I shall appear! Be prepared! Be prepared! Beprepared! For I the LORD thy God shall appear in the twinkling of an eye! TheLORD thy God! The King! The Most High shall appear! Go! Go and seek the Word! Ishall speak! I shall speak! I shall speak! I shall speak! The LORD thy God! TheLORD thy God! The LORD thy God! Jesus Christ of Nazareth has spoken the Word ofthe LORD! Jesus Christ of Nazareth has spoken the Word of the LORD! The Gloryof God! Amen!"